News Settings

Settings are used to define the news feeds and categories to display on the News panel. You can also perform a keyword search.

Change Settings

  1. Click the | Action Menu, found in the top right corner of the panel, and select Settings.
    Result: The News Headlines Settings dialog box opens.
  2. On the Sources tab, make your desired changes, then click Save.

Sources Tab

Use the Sources tab to add or remove news feeds, categories, or to perform a keyword search.

Option Description
Keyword Search The Keyword search is performed on headlines only. The entire string of text that you enter must be present in the headline exactly as entered in order for the search to match.
Available Feeds

Available Feeds (those not currently displayed in the panel) are listed on the left, and Selected Feeds (those already displayed in the panel) are shown on the right.

  • Select a feed and use either the left or right arrow to move it between the Available and Selected area. The double left and right arrows move ALL feeds.
Available Categories

Available Categories (those not currently displayed in the panel) are listed on the left, and Selected Categories (those already displayed in the panel) are shown on the right.

  • Select a category and use either the left or right arrow to move it between the Available and Selected area. The double left and right arrows move ALL categories.