With Barchart’s data, we can trust that these farms are receiving the most accurate data possible.
- Grant Cupps
CTO of Vault Ag
How Vault Ag Provides Dairy Farms With Precise Forecasts and Tracking of Revenue and Expenses
Meet Vault Dairy Technologies
Headquartered in Chicago, IL, Vault Ag provides software that “guides your dairy into the future.” This comprehensive analytic software utilizes farms’ dairy data in order to create detailed two-year projections for profit or loss. The software bridges multiple data “source silos” into one convenient application which is accessible online or by mobile device. The application features interactive real-time dashboards, “what-if” analyses and scenarios, and custom reporting. Whether it’s knowing how much money you’re going to make in 6 months or what your hedge is doing right now, the answers are in the Vault.
The Problem
In order to provide the best answers and projections possible to their clients, Vault Ag was in search of a reliable data provider that could power their various Vault applications. They specifically needed to be able to forecast and track the revenue and expenses for these farms, which are tasks that can’t be taken lightly.
The Solution
Vault Ag found that they could fully rely on Barchart’s data to accurately track and forecast this crucial information for their customers.
“Our clients rely heavily on the calculations that we provide for their position and forecasted production profit or loss,” said Grant Cupps, CTO of Vault Ag. “With Barchart’s data, we can trust that these farms are receiving the most accurate data possible,” added Cupps.
In addition to the many datasets Vault Ag uses in order to come up with key data, they also utilize Barchart’s quote data, historical data, and more in order to stream quotes and display charts, on both web and iOS, for their customers so they can analyze this data on their own.
With precise forecasts and tracking, clients are able to trust Vault Ag for the critical information they depend on and will be able to put their trust in them for years to come.
To learn more about Vault Ag, please visit www.vaultag.com.
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