United States of America Ethanol Production

1,095 -11 (-0.99%)
Category: Ag
Area: United States of America
Grouping: Weekly Petroleum Status Report
Source: EIA
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Most Recent Value 1,095
Most Recent Date 07-19-2024
Frequency Weekly
Unit Barrels per Day
Multiplier 1,000
Prior Value 1,106
Prior Value Date 07-12-2024
First Value 839
First Value Date 06-04-2010

Historical Data

07-19-2024 1,095
07-12-2024 1,106
07-05-2024 1,054
06-28-2024 1,064
06-21-2024 1,043
06-14-2024 1,057
06-07-2024 1,023