With the addition of grain market data and content from Barchart, we can rest assured that our customers have access to the essential information that they rely on daily.

- Chris Rogers

Information System Specialist at River Valley AgCredit

River Valley AgCredit

How River Valley AgCredit Provides Branches with Crucial Information and Cash Bids Specific to Their Location

MeetRiver Valley AgCredit

Providing financing for agriculture and rural living since 1916, River Valley AgCredit serves all of Western Kentucky, as well as 12 counties in East Tennessee. They are lending experts in agriculture, and country living and their team of financial professionals’ primary function is to provide agricultural loans for local farming operations. Their combination of competitive rates, relationship lending, and extensive knowledge of agriculture is unmatched in the financial world.


River Valley AgCredit has shown dedication to best serving local farming operations for decades. In order to further serve their customers, River Valley AgCredit wanted to expand and improve the quality of content and information that they make available. Agriculture professionals are busy, so they wanted to be sure this crucial information was accurate and easily accessible.

Enter Barchart

River Valley AgCredit found that Barchart could fulfill all of its data needs. They were able to implement several APIs in order to supply their customers with grain bids, futures data, quotes, news, weather, and more. The best part? All of this important information can be easily accessed in one place - right on their website.

In addition to the content on their main website, Barchart was able to take all of the data feeds provided to River Valley AgCredit and create multiple websites that are displayed at each different location so each branch can utilize weather and cash bids specific to them.

“At River Valley AgCredit, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with expert service, but we wanted to provide more than just loans; we wanted to provide them with the information they can count on as well,” said Chris Rogers, Information System Specialist at River Valley AgCredit. “With the addition of grain market data and content from Barchart, we can rest assured that our customers have access to the essential information that they rely on daily,” added Rogers.

“Barchart’s data and content elevates our clients’ businesses by adding vital information that ag professionals need to their platforms,” said Justin Nuss, Regional Sales Director, Agriculture at Barchart. “We take pride in this and continue to enhance the quality and variety of our data because we know our clients and their users rely on it,” added Nuss.

River Valley AgCredit was able to enhance their platform with accurate grain bid data, weather, news, and other important content from Barchart, giving them the power serve their customers to the best of their ability.

To learn more about River Valley AgCredit, please visit www.rivervalleyagcredit.com.

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