The overall experience with Barchart Commodity has been excellent and very user-friendly.

- James Nygaard

Operations Manager at Farmers Co-op Grain & Seed

Farmer’s Co-op

How Farmer’s Co-op Provides Clients a Market Overview with Data, Weather Forecasts and Maps, News and Commentary

MeetFarmer’s Co-op

Located in Thief River Falls, MN, Farmers Co-op Grain & Seed supports Ag professionals throughout the midwest with seed services and crop protection. "We provide farmers with tools to improve their wheat, barley, corn and bean harvest," says James Nygaard, Operations Manager at Farmers Co-op Grain & Seed. By having a good relationship with seed distributors, Co-op members are able to receive the lowest price for their wheat, corn and soybean seeds.


In order to be seen as a reliable seed provider to their customers, Farmers Co-op Grain & Seed wanted to incorporate reliable market data and information into their website. They decided to explore different options for the content they were seeking.

"When we were looking for commodity market data and information for our site, we were looking for a couple of key things," says Nygaard. "We really wanted to provide our clients with a market overview where they could get commodity data, local weather forecasts and maps, and Ag news and market commentary. In addition to that, we wanted to show our site’s visitors cash bids.

Enter Barchart

Barchart's Commodity hosted IFrame Market Center was the perfect solution for an easy-to-integrate market overview, along with the Barchart Commodity cash bids module.

Farmers Co-op & Seed also found other advantages while working with Barchart Commodity. "Barchart Commodity has provided excellent customer service," says Nygaard. "Their team can even log on to my computer remotely if I am ever having issues with something. It's nice to have a helpful team available to assist when needed."

Farmers Co-op Grain & Seed are happy with the results. Added Nygaard: "The overall experience with Barchart Commodity has been excellent and very user-friendly."

The Co-op is looking forward to adding an expanded facility to accommodate the amount of grain they can take in.

"The overall experience we have had with Barchart Commodity has been excellent," says Nygaard. "It has been very user-friendly and it’s nice to have a helpful team to assist when needed," added Nygaard.

To learn more about Farmer’s Co-op, please visit

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