The hosting service Barchart Commodity has provided covers all of the attributes our clients are looking for.

- Kelley Pike

Office Manager at Elkhart Coop

Elkhart Coop

How Elkhart Coop Provides Cash Grain Bids, Commodity News, Weather, and Futures Data for Their Customers

MeetElkhart Coop

With a history that dates back to 1917, Elkhart Coop strives to provide quality services, products and markets to enhance the value of the Cooperative for their customers and the community. By providing grain storage and crop and livestock supplies to farmers and ranchers covering 14 locations in 3 states, Elkhart Coop seeks to meet the needs of their customers in an strong way.

"We provide service from the ground up," says Kelley Pike, Office Manager at Elkhart Coop. "We really strive to develop lasting relationships with our customers by exceeding their expectations."


Elkhart Coop wanted a website that would provide customers with all of the necessary information they rely on throughout the day.

"When we were looking for a company to host our website," says Pike, "we needed a firm that could provide all of the content we were looking for, including a variety of commodity information. The hosting service Barchart Commodity has provided covers all of the attributes our clients are looking for."

Enter Barchart

When Elkhart Coop discovered Barchart Commodity and all of the technology solutions for agribusinesses, they knew they found a reliable source to host their site.

"We were looking for better service, competitive pricing, and a website which functions for our customers," Pike explained. "Barchart Commodity was an easy choice because they met all of our requirements, and the process was easy from start to finish."

With an Barchart Commodity hosted website, Elkhart Coop customers can access an immense amount of futures data and information including cash grain bids, futures quotes, commodity news and weather conditions.

"The information we can now provide our customers through Barchart Commodity has been great," says Pike. "We like the improvements and added content, and our customers have been extremely satisfied with the end result."

Elkhart Coop is looking forward to the future and continues to have a strong relationship with Barchart Commodity. "We are very pleased with all of the products Barchart Commodity has, and enjoy doing business with their firm and their team," says Pike.

To learn more about Elkhart Coop, please visit

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