cmdty updates
cmdty updates

Initial Estimates for South American Crop Production and Yield Forecasts Have Just Been Released!




Are you ready to make smarter decisions when it comes to lending, pricing, and hedging? Get the edge you need with Barchart’s Crop Production and Yield Estimates. We've just released our initial South American Crop Production Forecasts for South American corn and soybeans. You can learn all about it in our latest blog.

Barchart Brings Cutting-Edge European Power Futures Data to Market




Today we are excited to announce the integration of Power Futures Data, from the European Energy Exchange (EEX) into our global market data and commodity price inventory. This integration provides clients with real-time, end-of-day and historical access to vital information and analysis for electricity and natural gas futures markets across Europe. Check out the full press release here to learn more!

Barchart and Greenstone Systems Announce Agribusiness Data Partnership




Today we announced a new partnership with Greenstone Systems to increase client choice and access to data in Greenstone’s producer engagement platform MyGrower. Check out the full press release here to learn more!

Autohedge for Grain in cmdtyView!




cmdtyView Hedge Management is an automated hedging portal for grain merchandising that alleviates the risks associated with cash transactions between producers and merchandisers. The basic premise of Hedge Management is to link cash and futures orders so that any time there is price movement on the cash offer, the hedge order will be adjusted dynamically allowing the elevator to remain fully hedged. Check out our latest blog here to learn more!

We Partnered with EFC Systems to Provide the Best Digital Solutions for Agribusinesses!




We are excited to announce that we've partnered with EFC Systems, a leading provider of ERP accounting and digital agronomy solutions for Ag Retailer / Service Providers. Under the first phase of this partnership, real-time grain accounting information from EFC Systems’ Merchant Ag platform will be available within Barchart’s award-winning AgTech platform, Marketplace Apps. Check out the full press release here to learn more.

New! Automate Hedging for Physical Grain in cmdtyView




We are excited to announce cmdtyView hedge, the latest digital workflow within Barchart’s AgTech ecosystem. Barchart already connects producers and grain buyers by linking producer-facing apps to cmdtyView - the addition of cmdtyView Hedge unlocks more efficiency by creating automated hedge orders for open offers; and then pushing grain contracts and hedge executions directly into an agribusiness’s ERP system when an offer matches. Check out our press release here to learn more.

Cash In on cmdtyView




Barchart’s commodity data has you covered on all fronts, with futures data, physical commodity data, and commodity fundamentals data available when you want it, where you want it, and how you want it. How you choose to use our best-in-class data…now that's up to you. Read more in the blog here.

Stay in the Know With Barchart Commodity News




Barchart may be your trusted data provider, but we provide more than just our first-in-class data. Barchart is also a trusted, relevant news source for all agricultural commodity updates and communication through our Commodity Newswires. To learn more about actionable commodity news, market analysis, and proprietary data you need, read the full blog here.

Who Can Benefit from Barchart? And How?




Agriculture is a tight-knit community with more positions and sectors than you could count. Thanks to our extensive offerings in agriculture, it’s safe to say we have solutions for everyone in the agriculture industry. Regardless of the industry, Barchart is here to provide solutions and data to support you. To learn more about the solutions necessary for you and your industry, read the full blog here.

Barchart’s Enterprise Solutions for Agriculture




Barchart’s complete portfolio of agribusiness solutions is vast and diverse to help you grow your business. Discover how our cmdtyView, Marketplace mobile apps, and website hosting solutions can help your agribusiness. Read more about each of our solutions by reading the full blog here.