The Performance Report is a Detailed Quote that includes today's activity plus the previous four days of trading prices. Included are the Open, High, Low, Last,Change, % Change and Volume figures. The page is divided into multiple parts:
Past 5 Days/Weeks/Months
For the period selected at the top right of the page, you will see the Date, Open, High, Low, Last, Change, Change Percent, and Volume for the current trading session plus the previous 4 sessions. The highest high and lowest low for the selected period are also bolded for easy identification.
With Daily Quotes selected, the dates displayed are the current date plus the previous 4 days.
For Commodities and Forex contracts that trade overnight sessions with settlements the next day (such as ^EURUSD (Euro FX), trading 5:00 p.m. - 4:59 p.m. EST Sunday - Friday or GC (Gold), trading 6:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. EST) today's session appears with the current day's date, and the overnight session will appear with tomorrow's date. For example, on July 20, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. EST, the first session will be recorded under the current date, 07/20/2010, and the overnight session's prices will appear under 07/21/2010. The date is the settlement or closing date of the trading session.
With Weekly Quotes or Monthly Quotes selected, you will see dates that correspond to the past 5 weeks or past 5 months along with the Open, High, Low, Last, Change, Change Percent, and Volume of each period.
Price Performance
Shows historical Highs and Lows for a number of periods, based on your selected view. High and Low prices and the date of their trades are shown, along with the Percent Change from the start of the current period's High and Low price.
When looking at the Periods in the Price Performance table, the 5-Day through 2-Year periods are based on daily data, the 3-Year and 5-Year periods are based on weekly data, and the 10-Year and 20-Year periods are based on monthly data.
Barchart Symbol Notes Tutorial (8:43)
New Highs
This widget shows the number of times this symbol reached a new high price for specific periods, from the past 5-Days to the past 20-Years.
For each period, the "Percent From Last" column shows you where the current price is in relationship to the High price for that period. When negative, the current price is that much lower than the highest price reported for the period. When positive, the current price is that much higher than the highest price from that period.
New Lows
This widget shows the number of times this symbol reached a new low price for specific periods, from the past 5-Days to the past 20-Years.
For each period, the "Percent From Last" column shows you where the current price is in relationship to the Low price for that period. When positive, the current price is that much higher than the lowest price from that period. When negative, the current price is that much lower than the lowest price reported for the period.
52-Week Key Points
View, at a glance, the 52-Week High and Low for a symbol, along with the 61.8%, 50%, and 38.2% Fibonacci levels. These figures correspond to the information presents on the Trader's Cheat Sheet page.