
Jan 4 2021

Market Data APIs for Price Data

Get the price data you need, delivered exactly how you need it, with Barchart’s market data APIs for price data . With our deep sets of global data and wide range of market data APIs, powering your website, applications, charts and software with financial market data and information has never been easier.

Take a look at some of our most popular market data APIs for Price Data:  


The getQuote API is used to request price data, either real-time, delayed or end-of-day, by symbol on stocks, indexes, mutual funds, ETFs, futures, foreign exchange, or cryptocurrencies.


The getHistory API is used to request historical time series data on stocks, indexes, mutual funds, ETFs, futures, foreign exchange, or cryptocurrencies. Historical data is available as tick, minute bars or end-of-day data.


Custom Data. The getData API is a custom query to request any combination of market data fields we make available. 


The getClosePrice API provides the close price for given instruments for the given date. 


The getQuoteEod API is used to request end-of-day price data, by combined exchange and symbol, on stocks, indexes, mutual funds, ETFs, futures, foreign exchange, or cryptocurrencies. Historical data is available as tick, minute bars or end-of-day data.  

Check out the rest of our price data apis


How Can You Access Barchart’s Price Data APIs?

Barchart’s market data APIs can return data in multiple formats (XML, JSON or CSV) making them easy-to-use and integrate. Data can also be delivered through our digital solutions.

Barchart OnDemand is compatible with any operating system, such as Windows, Linux, iOS or Android, and any programming language, such as Java, PHP or ASP.NET.

Barchart’s Price Data APIs Pricing

Our OnDemand service pricing is based on usage, meaning you only pay for the amount of data you use. We’re able to scale up our services in a matter of seconds and offer versatile packages tailored to your specific needs that range from small to enterprise solutions.

Whether you are looking for a fully custom or off-the-shelf solution, our flexible market data APIs can be tailored to include only the data you need. With direct connectivity to the exchanges, our OnDemand solution is completely platform-independent so you can receive the financial market data you need in any operating system or programming language. Barchart OnDemand delivers a truly reliable and scalable cloud-based solution. To learn more about price data APIs contact us at or explore our market data apis