
Feb 22 2021

Balances and Settlements Now Available in Marketplace

Provide your producers with free access to apps that tie you into their workflows - across desktop and mobile. Marketplace Apps help streamline agribusiness workflows by connecting seamlessly with cmdtyView Pro - the leading merchandiser desktop solution. With a cmdty Marketplace App you can increase producer engagement, move more grain, and drive your business forward. 

Marketplace Apps provide your producers all the information they need. Now with Balances and Settlements - in addition to Scale Tickets and Contracts. You can easily see what grain you currently have in place across different locations, display amount data, payment status, and more.

With grain bid management solutions, branded Marketplace Apps, and the best-in-class commodity trading platform, cmdtyView Pro, Barchart provides grain elevators with the most comprehensive suite of agribusiness solutions available on the market. Giving your growers all the information they need right at their fingertips has never been easier. See Marketplace live and in action - click here to schedule a demo.