
Feb 4 2021

APIs for Financial News

Get financial news and filings from a wide variety of news sources including Associated Press, Canadian Press, PR Newswire, Business Wire, and Dow Jones. Our APIs for Financial News and Filings provide users access to streaming news stories from the sources that matter to them. Subscribers can access breaking news, company press releases, and global financial market coverage, all with rich tagging and metadata.

What Do You Get From our News API?

  1. Available per source or through a consolidated feed
  2. Ticker tagged, category filtering and keyword search
  3. Access Barchart News and Barchart Contributor feeds
  4. Deep historical news data available
  5. Become an exclusive redistributor of cmdtyNewswires
  6. Solutions for every commodity market

Who Uses News APIs?

  1. Professional Traders: Automate trading strategies that leverage news as an input to identify opportunities or find risk before it finds you.
  2. Websites: Build beautiful and engaging sites with deep content that keeps your users coming back for more.
  3. Apps: Integrate our news feed service into your app to attract, engage, and activate users by giving them the exact content they need.

What News APIs are available through Barchart OnDemand? 

  1. News API: The getNews API returns news headlines, articles and related photos based upon news sources, category, sub-category and/or keyword. With this API you can access breaking news, company press releases and global financial market coverage. News sources include Associated Press, Canadian Press, PR Newswire, Business Wire, and Dow Jones.
  2. News Sources API: The getNewsSources API provides access to public news sources and your authorization status per source. Sources include Associated Press, Canadian Press, PR Newswire, Business Wire, and Dow Jones.
  3. News Category API: The getNewsCategories API provides access to news source category and sub-category data. Sources include Associated Press, Canadian Press, PR Newswire, Business Wire, and Dow Jones.

News API Pricing

Our OnDemand service pricing is based on usage, meaning you only pay for the amount of data you use. We’re able to scale up our services in a matter of seconds and offer versatile packages tailored to your specific needs that range from small to enterprise solutions.

Whether you are looking for a fully custom or off-the-shelf solution, our flexible market data APIs can be tailored to include only the data you need. With direct connectivity to the exchanges, our OnDemand solution is completely platform-independent so you can receive the financial market data you need in any operating system or programming language. Barchart OnDemand delivers a truly reliable and scalable cloud-based solution. To learn more about APIs for Financial News and Filings contact us at or explore our market data APIs.