
Jan 29 2021

Market Data APIs for Analyst Ratings

With Barchart’s market data APIs for Analyst Ratings you can build trading strategies or products your customers will love with ratings from Wall Street's leading analysts. Our simple to use APIs make getting started easier than you thought possible.

Barchart OnDemand is built upon the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure and features the ability to easily access an extensive amount of market data and information. Specifically popular with FinTech startups, trading and investment firms, software and app developers, and digital media providers, Barchart is a leader in providing cloud-based market data APIs to our clients.

What Analyst Ratings APIs are available through Barchart OnDemand?


Analyst Ratings API

The getRatings API offers analyst buy, sell and hold recommendations for over 4,500 publicly traded companies. Consensus estimates as well as the number of analysts rating the stock is included.

Earnings Estimate API

The getEarningsEstimates API provides per share earnings estimates on 4,500+ rated companies or quarterly and annual periods based on symbol. The getEarningsEstimates API provides you with accurate and reliable data to reduce risk and ensure you're staying ahead. 

Stock Profile API

The getProfile API is used to request information about a publicly traded company, such as sector, industry, company description, CEO, recent earnings, P/E ratio, and address, based on symbol. This data can be used to build models that quickly screen for companies matching investment criteria.

Stock Signals API

The getSignal API provides the Barchart Technical Opinion / Signal (buy, sell or hold) based on a variety of short, medium and long-term technical indicators based on a symbol.

Who Uses Analyst Ratings Information?


Create compelling visualizations that engage your users and allow them to dig deeper into their portfolios than ever before.

Professional Traders

Build reliable ratings data into your strategies to improve theoretical valuations and improve entry and exits.


Build amazing tools that allow users to screen on ratings and support decision workflows that get users into your sales funnel.

How Can You Access Our Analyst Ratings Market Data APIs?

Barchart’s OnDemand market data APIs can return data in multiple formats (XML, JSON or CSV) making them easy-to-use and integrate. Data can also be delivered through our digital solutions.  

Barchart OnDemand is compatible with any operating system, such as Windows, Linux, iOS or Android, and any programming language, such as Java, PHP or ASP.NET. 

Analyst Rating APIs Pricing

Barchart OnDemand delivers a truly reliable and scalable cloud-based solution. Our OnDemand service pricing is based on usage, meaning you only pay for the amount of market data you use. We can scale up our services in a matter of seconds and offer versatile packages tailored to your specific needs that range from small to enterprise solutions.

Whether you are looking for a fully custom or off-the-shelf solution, our flexible APIs can be tailored to include only the data you need. With direct connectivity to the exchanges, our OnDemand solution is completely platform-independent so you can receive the market data you need in any operating system or programming language. To learn more about our market data APIs for Analyst Ratings contact us at